
An algorithm made by Kumaraswamy BG (Xoma Devs) which has the ability to encode files into images and back again to its original form without losing any data.

At first, the input file is read and compressed the data to reduce the size. Then the bytes are encoded as Hexadecimal which to be shown as a pixel. As we know, the pixel represented is of RGB, Red, Green and Blue. Bytes of the Hexadecimal are sorted into every three values and then encoded as a pixel in an image.

Now we have the file encoded as an image! HEHE!

Now to decode, we should go through every pixel of the image to get the RGB values which were encoded. The values parsed to bytes to obtain the base64. Then the Hexadecimal is decoded and uncompressed to its original form as bytes, finally, it is written back into file.


Raised when the input file is encoded into an image

output: encoded output path

Raised when the input (encoded) file is decoded back into original file

output: Decoded output path

Start the complete listener, for the events when EncodedFile and when DecodedFile

Encode the file into an image

inputName: File path
outputName: Encoded File path

Decode the encoded file into original file

inputName: Encoded File path
outputName: Original File path